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"Changing the Tides
of the 21st Century"

What Is MUN?

What Is MUN?

UN: The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization tasked to promote international order. The UN was established in 1945 in San Francisco and it currently consists of 193 member-states.


The UN Charter has four main purposes:

* Maintaining world peace and security.

* Developing firm relations among nations.

* Fostering cooperation among nations in order to solve current economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian international problems.

* Providing a forum for bringing countries together to meet the UN's purposes and goals.


The UN is currently more focused on fighting climate change.

MUN: Model United Nations is an extracurricular activity that simulates UN conferences. Students take part in these conferences as delegates of the countries that are submitted. During the sessions, these delegates follow the policies of their countries. The conferences are mostly held by high school or college students involved in MUN Clubs.

Participating in MUN conferences provides a wide range of benefits for the students: improved public speaking skills; critical thinking and negotiation skills; awareness of current political issues; and diplomatic and leadership skills.

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